main article:vitamin, Endocrine and reproductive system內分泌和生殖系統(有一派認為維生素D應該算是賀爾蒙而不是維生素,因為體內生合成的量夠大)

除了促進胃腸道吸收鈣質,也可以促進iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. 的吸收(20160327wikipedia vitamin D),缺乏則會骨質疏鬆症 。
regulating the concentration of calcium and phosphate in the bloodstream and promoting the healthy growth and remodeling of bone. (20160327wikipedia vitamin D)
Calcitriol also affects neuromuscular and immune function.(20160327wikipedia vitamin D)
Name | Chemical composition | Structure |
Vitamin D1 | Mixture of molecular compounds of ergocalciferol with lumisterol, 1:1 | |
Vitamin D2 | ergocalciferol (made from ergosterol) | |
Vitamin D3 | cholecalciferol (made from 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin). | |
Vitamin D4 | 22-dihydroergocalciferol | |
Vitamin D5 | sitocalciferol (made from 7-dehydrositosterol) |
由膽固醇 於皮膚 照光合成-(肝)->鈣二醇-(腎)->鈣三醇


Synthesis of vitamin D by wikipedia Author Alexander Pico, Chris Evelo, Lucia Riberio, Martijn van Iersel, Kristina Hanspers
sites of action[]
骨骼系統 | 脊髓 有vitamin D receptor,缺乏維生素D得Osteoporosis骨質疏鬆症 | |
神經系統 | 腦部神經細胞(其中有代謝維生素D以活化他的酵素)、膠質細胞...等,如果缺乏會得阿茲海默症 ...等神經退化疾病 。 | |
呼吸系統 | 2017維他命D顯著減少上呼吸道感染風險[2] | 2024年:有免疫調節劑的作用,可以當作過敏性鼻炎的輔助。<ref name=nose> |
消化系統 | 促進鈣質 (一天攝取量是2000單位)吸收,但是鈣 質吃太多會增加腎結石機率。除了促進胃腸道吸收鈣質,也可以促進iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. 的吸收(20160327wikipedia vitamin D),缺乏則會骨質疏鬆症 。 |
new study[]
Calcitriol also affects neuromuscular and immune function.