

Vital tissue

動物 植物
組織(tissue) 上皮組織,簡稱上皮(英語:Epithelium) 真皮組織(Dermal tissue): Ex. 表皮

植物: 表皮組織(epidermis)

組織以上 表皮(Epidermis)  (皮膚)

四大組織=cell+extracellular matrix(細胞外基質?ECM)
epithethium表皮組織 cell: epithethium表皮細胞
ECM: BMs(基底膜,一種ECM)
connective tissue結締組織

Vit. C對connective tissue的製造很重要

cell: fibroblast(纖維母細胞:分泌pt. fiber)macrophage(巨噬細胞)(其他:mast cell(肥大細胞:受傷時分泌histamine))
ECM: ground substances+pt. fiber(collagenous fiber膠原蛋白纖維、reticular fiber網狀纖維、elastic fiber彈性纖維;分別使結締組織有strenth&flexibility、使結締組織黏到附近組織上和給組織彈性。如果皮膚受到外力,藉由使皮膚黏在骨頭上而使之不要離位的是前兩者;使皮膚變回原位的是後者。)
muscle tissue cell: muscular cell
nervous tissue cell: neuron(nervous cell:CNS不能再生) and supporting cells(glia(galia cell))

in embryonic stages, glia named radial glia and astrocytes are essential to development of nervous system. They also can act as stem cell, generating new neurons and glia.

supporting cells(glia(galia cell)):功用support(支持)、nourish(營養)、regulate the functioning of neurons(調節)。
Schwann cell(許旺細胞) 在PNS構成myelin shealth 和neurolemma
oligodendrocytes(寡樹突細胞) 在CNS構成myelin shealth。(因為neurolemma是由Schwann cell所形成,所以CNS沒有neurolemma)
Microglia immune cells that protect against pathogens.
astrocyte *促進在突觸的信息傳遞



*調節細胞外的ion 和NT的濃度

*astrocytes form tight junction along carpillary:BBB.

*glia named radial glia and astrocytes are essential to development of nervous system. They also can act as stem cell, generating new neurons and glia.

connective tissue結締組織
connective tissue結締組織種類 cell ECM
loose connective tissue(疏鬆結締組織):體內最多者,使表皮組織黏到下方組織並且並且使器官在原位 X pt. fiber(collagenous fiber膠原蛋白纖維、reticular fiber網狀纖維、elastic fiber彈性纖維)
adipose tissue(脂肪組織): loose connective tissue(疏鬆結締組織)的一種 adipocyte(脂肪細胞) X
blood(plasma)和淋巴 RBC、WBC、platelet(非細胞) X
fibrous connective tissue(纖維結締組織)
tendon(肌腱) 黏接肌肉到骨頭
ligament(韌帶) 黏接骨頭到關節
X collagenous fiber膠原蛋白纖維
skeleton之 cartilage(軟骨):構成早期胚胎的骨骼、關節、椎間盤 chondrocyte(軟骨細胞):分泌右邊兩種ECM collagenous fiber膠原蛋白纖維+rubbery pt.-carbohydrate complex chrondroitin sulfate(硫酸軟骨素)
skeleton之bone((硬)骨) osteoblast collagenous fiber膠原蛋白纖維
結論 幾乎都是collagenous fiber膠原蛋白纖維