主條目:Novel coronavirus/2019新型冠狀病毒/2019-nCoV/COVID-19、民眾醫藥常識
disinfectant | infectant |
酒精(alcohol) |
coronary virus(SARS、MERS):62% ~71% alcohol[1](this is the data from previous coronary virus, today the most used one in Novel coronavirus/2019新型冠狀病毒/2019-nCoV/COVID-19 is 75% alc, but the most suitable concentration is not known. )、 流感病毒 呼吸道病毒 泡疹病毒 lipid-enveloped viruses (such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C):high-concentration mixtures (such as 80% ethanol + 5% isopropanol) are required to effectively inactivate 90% alcohol rubs are highly flammable, but kill many kinds of viruses, including enveloped viruses such as the flu virus, the common cold virus, and HIV, though is notably ineffective against the rabies virus(無效). 腸病毒(無效) 腺病毒(無效) 諾羅病毒(英語:Norovirus,NV, 或 Winter Vomiting Bug),又稱為諾沃克病毒、諾如病毒或膿融病毒(無效):肥皂洗手 輪狀病毒(無效) |
雙氧水(Hydrogen peroxide) | coronary virus(SARS、MERS):0.5% Hydrogen peroxide[1] |
漂白水(次氯酸水)(bleach( sodium hypochlorite)) | coronary virus(SARS、MERS):0.1% bleach( sodium hypochlorite)[1] |
alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride(BZK,BKC,BAC,ADBAC) | for bacteria but not Novel coronavirus/2019新型冠狀病毒/2019-nCoV/COVID-19
用來對付細菌,而不是對付Novel coronavirus/2019新型冠狀病毒/2019-nCoV/COVID-19(武漢肺炎) Also good against fungi, amoebas, and enveloped viruses. except endospores, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non-enveloped viruses(useless) |
Chlorhexidine(, also known as chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)) | 用來對付細菌,而不是對付Novel coronavirus/2019新型冠狀病毒/2019-nCoV/COVID-19(武漢肺炎) |
Routes of transmission傳染途徑(編輯模板) | ||||||
預防傳染 | ||||||
口罩 | Disinfectant消毒藥水 | Hand washing洗手 | [[]] | [[]] | [[]] | [[]] |
氣溶膠傳播(空氣傳染)的新研究:2021-05-30勤洗手不足以有效阻擋病毒?正視氣溶膠傳播風險! | ||||||


至於何時要戴口罩?在密閉空間最好是要戴,在密閉空間(所以在家裡要開窗戶)戴口罩就可以預防這類傳染。 若身體不舒服,即使在家中也要戴上口罩,儘量離家人距離兩公尺以上,不和家人一起用餐。[1]並使用免洗餐具,避免藉由口水的傳播。在台灣,醫院中的美食部已經規定不能在院內用餐,如果在院內用餐則必須使用免洗餐具。


數學歸納法(Mathematical Induction、MI、ID):
62% 至 71% 的酒精[2]、 0.5% 雙氧水或[2] 0.1% 漂白水(次氯酸鈉水)[2]
後,在 1 分鐘內[2]對於消滅病毒活性有實質的成效。
其他常見的消毒劑如苯扎氯銨、葡萄糖酸氯己定,這 2 者對付冠狀病毒則效果甚微。[2]
- 有研究顯示戴手套乾洗手效果不好,並且會把髒污帶到其他地方。(參考DQ 進入封鎖期後,一家老小如何實踐一套新習慣和程序,才能節省力氣應對政府法令?)
English version[]
2. How to choose mask and when to use?[]
It might easier to prevent droplet infection of Covid 19 only by wearing mask; however, there are many level of mask, not any masks look alike have the same effect. In Taiwan, only CNS14774 medicinal mask for surgery or above can prevent the disease transmitted via droplet infection. List below are some standard in different countries:

When should we wear mask? In hospital, crowd or confined space ( open windows to prevent ). If you feel uncomfortable, you should wear mask even at home, and eat alone without your family, using disposable tableware to prevent transmission through saliva( mouth water)。In Taiwan, restaurant in hospital have banned dining in the hospital, if it does, disposable tableware must be used to do so.
3. When to use disinfectant and how to choose?[]
However, even if you wear mask, droplet attack your eye, or droplet touched by your hand can transmit Covid 19 via touching of your hand to your eye, nose or mouth. As a result, it’s important that when you outside, you should not touch things if there is no necessary to do so. Things like faucet, button of elevator … etc. are proved to be positive in virus test in some place. In a German study[2], refer from previous coronary virus, coronary virus may stay alive 9 days (on plastic surface, an extreme example.) In Taiwan, the place where patient 32[1] used to be were under disinfection, including button of elevator… etc.
Once airport can’t reveal patient by measuring body temperature via infrared, it means that patients without symptom may import without notice by the government. Those patients may potentiate the transmission by leaving their droplet on some where like faucet, button of elevator…etc. 4. To keep Covid 19 out home
Whatever, if you go out today and actually contact with the virus, once you wear mask conforming with international standard, do not touch things unnecessarily, touch your eye, nose or mouth… etc. You needn’t be afraid of being transmitted even if you really run into the virus. The final test is don’t bring virus home!
Like McDonald’s or KFC, install a automatic touchless hand-wash sterilizator behind the gate of your home is a good method. Family members back home must soap wash their hands first, than sterilize their hands after tissue-dry their hands before touching other thing in your home. By doing so, even if family member bring virus on their hands, virus can’t enter your home. The sterilization must be enforced strictly, because even one member do not obey, he or she might bring virus to faucet, light switch, doorknob, tableware…etc, and your home is occupied by the virus.
Because faucet is proved to be positive in virus test in some place. A better way is:
1.Wash hands and faucet with soap together right after arrival at your home.
2.Tissue-dry hands and faucet.
3.Sterilize your hands and faucet with 75% alcohol at least 30 seconds.
4.Above must be enforced strictly, because even one member do not obey, he or she might bring virus to faucet, light switch, doorknob, tableware…etc, and your home is occupied by the virus.
Mathematical Induction、MI、ID:
1.START(The initial or base case):The faucet is clean.
2.CONTINUATION(The induction step, inductive step, or step case):I sterilize faucet after using it.
The result is the faucet will clean forever.
Do not touch eye, nose or mouth without finishing the steps above, even if you do touch eye, nose or mouth with finishing the steps above, you hand better do it with tissus.
Wear mask when go out, keep one meter to each other to prevent droplet.

a automatic touchless hand-wash sterilizator in KFC

a automatic touchless hand-wash sterilizator in McDonald’s 5. How to choose disinfectant?
According to a German study[2], not all disinfectants are equally effective. Many disinfectants we used before are effective to bacteria, but not the virus we are fighting today. The disinfectants study suggests are listed below. You can put them in the automatic touchless hand-wash sterilizator behind the gate of your home.
62% ~71% alcohol[2](this is the data from previous coronary virus, today the most used one is 75% alc. )、 0.5% Hydrogen peroxide[2] 0.1% bleach( sodium hypochlorite)[2]
for one minute.[2]
disinfectant like alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride(BZK,BKC,BAC,ADBAC) and Chlorhexidine(, also known as chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)) are not effective[2], because they often used in bacteria but not coronary virus.
Methods listed above only can prevent yourself from virus, but it can’t prevent others to encounter virus, unless they remember the methods above. As a result, prevention of Covid 19 is not only the matter of you, it is the matter of the human beings and all restaurants. McDonald and KFC are good models.