蚊子是全球最致命的動物,蚊媒疾病每年在全球導致數十萬人死亡。[1] 2015諾貝爾醫學獎3得主 對抗寄生蟲病有成。
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Antiprotozoal drugs(抗原蟲藥[]
antimalaria(抗瘧藥: 治療瘧疾 的藥品。[]
4-substituted quinolines=rapidly blood schizonticide[]
- quinoline-4-menthanols(= methanoloquinolines)
- 有quinoline
- 天然生物鹼:quinine(奎寧:(+) isomer
- 合成:mefloquine
- 沒quinoline: 9-phenanthrene methanol
- halofantrine—(M)→Desbutylhalofantrine(active)
- —(似)→lumefantrine
- 有quinoline
- 4-aminoquinolines
- amodiaquine
- chloroquine→hydroxychloroquine
8-aminoquinolines=tissue schizonticide[]
- pamaquine
- primaquine
- pentaquine
ubiquinone reductase inhibitor[]
Antifolate drug[]
- Dihydropteroate synthase inhibitor(二氫蝶酸合成酶抑制劑
- sulfalene
- sulfadiazine
- sulfadoxine
- Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor(二氫葉酸還原酶抑制劑
- pyrimethamine
- biguanides(不單用,和atovaquone合用)
- proguanil—(M)→cycloguanil
2015諾貝爾醫學獎中國大陸的屠呦呦 Artemisinin(Qinghason) and its der.: often in combination therapy, often liposoluble except for one[]
- 賽諾菲集團(Sanofi)和諾華集團(Novartis)的青蒿素藥物則是抗瘧利器。
- active constituent of sweetworm wood(Artemisia annua)
- liposoluble
- Artemisinin
- Artemether(Artenam)
- Arteflene
- water-soluble:Artesunate hemisuccinate salt
- tetracycline
- doxycycline
- clindamycin
treatment of Amebiasis/Giardiasis/Trichomonias(阿米巴變形蟲/梨形蟲/滴蟲的治療[]
- nitroimidazole
- metronidazole first,
- if resistence occurs, use tinidazole
giardiasis-associated diarrhea in children (age 1~11 years) or diarrhea caused by crytosporidiosis (protozoal infection caused by Crysporidium parvum) in patient with AIDS.[]
- nitazoxanide(NTZ)—(M)→tazoxanide(TIZ): orphan drug, giardiasis-associated diarrhea in children (age 1~11 years) or diarrhea caused by crytosporidiosis (protozoal infection caused by Crysporidium parvum) in patient with AIDS.
treatment of Amebiasis(阿米巴變形蟲的治療[]
asymptomatic amebiasis[]
- Diloxanide furoate: iodoquinol的替代物
treatment of intestinal Amebiasis(抗腸阿米巴變形蟲[]
- iodoquinol和Diloxanide furoate
- 8-hydroxyquinoline der.
- iodoquinol
- iodochlorohydroxyquine
- Diloxanide furoate(prodrug)→Diloxanide: iodoquinol的替代物
- 8-hydroxyquinoline der.
- As der.
- carbarsone(苯砷酸脲(卡巴宗
- Acetarsol(乙醯胂酚
- glycobiarsol
- antibiotics
- Bacitracin
- pt. synthesis inhibitor
- 30s
- aminoglycoside:paromomycin
- tetracycline
- 50s
- erythromycin
- 30s
treatment of extraintestinal Amebiasis(抗肝阿米巴變形蟲[]
- chloroquine(氯喹
treatment of intestinal and extraintestinal Amebiasis(抗腸阿米巴變形蟲和肝阿米巴變形蟲[]
- emetine(吐根鹼→dehydroemetine(Mebadin): faster elimination, thus less toxic
- metronidazole first,
- if resistence occurs, use tinidazole
treatment of Pneumocystis(卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎的治療[]
- first-line:SMX-TMP: prophylaxis and treatment of of Pneumocystis in patients with AIDS
- second-line:pentamidine: IV
- trimetrexate(TMQ)
- atovaquone
- primaquine + clindamycin treat moderate to moderately severe Pneumocystis
treatment of Toxoplasmosis(弓漿蟲的治療[]
- 2014研究:atypical neurleptics治療精神病的機轉可能和對Toxoplasmosis弓漿蟲感染的抑制效果有關。弓漿蟲與思覺失調症有關 bioforum.tw/modules/tadnews/index.php?nsn=2811
- first-line:SMX-TMP
- second-line:pentamidine
- antifolate: pyrimithamine+sulfadiazine treat acute toxoplasmosis
- antifolate: pyrimithamine+clindamycin treat AIDS-related toxoplasmosis of the brain
treatment of Trypanosomiasis(錐蟲病的治療[]
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense ( east African sleeping sickness )[]
- suramin Sod. : early stage. bis-hexasulfonatednaphthylurea, non-CNS-associated African Trypanosomiasis (early stage of the disease)
- pentamidine isethionate : early stage.
- melasoprol: late stage
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (west African sleeping sickness)[]
- no suramin Sod. : bis-hexasulfonatednaphthylurea, non-CNS-associated African Trypanosomiasis (early stage of the disease)
- no pentamidine isethionate
- eflornithine: early stage and late stage
- melasoprol: late stage
Trypanosoma cruzi ( American Trypanosomiasis = Chagas' disease ): 促使身體分泌的抗體會攻擊2nd extracellular loop of cardiac M2 muscarinic receptor造成 allosteric modulator而產生作用,所以用atropine治療[]
- no suramin Sod.
- no pentamidine isethionate
- Nifurtimox
- Benznidazole
treatment of Leishmaniasis(利什曼原蟲的治療[]
- Sod. stibogluconate:五價Sb
antihelmintic drugs(抗蠕蟲藥[]
- 海人酸(Kainic Acid)
- 山道年(Santonin)
- 二乙烯二胺(Piperazine)
- 海人草(Digenea)
- 使君子(Combretaceae)
- 石榴皮(Granatum)
drugs to nematodes(抗線蟲藥、抗圓蟲藥(Aschelminth)(nematodes)(roundworms)[]
Intestinal nematodes(腸內線蟲[]
- round worm/hook worm/pin worm
- round worm(蛔蟲
- hook worm(鉤蟲
- pin worm(蟯蟲(threadworm)
- whipworm(鞭蟲
- benzimidazoles:廣效抗寄生蟲藥,可以同時對付多種Intestinal nematodes(腸內線蟲
- mebendazole
- tiabendazole
- albenadazole
- niridazole
- levamisole
- bithionol
- metrifonate
- oxamniquine
- tetrachloroethylene:hook worm(鉤蟲
- arecoline檳榔鹼: 促進cholinergic activity而使蟲體痙攣, round worm(蛔蟲
- pyrantel pamoate: treat round worm(蛔蟲、hook worm(鉤蟲、pin worm(蟯蟲(threadworm), 促進cholinergic activity而使蟲體痙攣
- pyrvinium pamoate: 在體內因為類似ACh而因為抗膽鹼使蟲體麻痺
- piperazine: 在體內因為類似ACh而因為抗膽鹼使蟲體麻痺, round worm(蛔蟲
tissue nematodes(組織內線蟲:(血)絲蟲[]
- ivermectin: 促進GABA Cl-通道的傳導而使蟲體麻痺。2015年諾貝爾醫學獎愛爾蘭的康貝爾(William C. Campbell)和日本的大村智(Satoshi Omura)研究來自土壤細菌的化合物後,從而發現藥物阿維菌素 (avermectin )。河盲症與淋巴絲蟲病(又名象皮病)現已接近根除。默克藥廠(Merck & Co)生產阿維菌素的衍生物伊維菌素(Ivermectin)在全世界被用來對抗蛔蟲寄生。
- diethylcarbamazine
drugs to platyhelminth抗扁蟲門藥(flatworms):antihelmintic drugs抗蠕蟲藥中的praziquantel(PZQ)是窄效,只對platyhelminth(扁蟲門有效[]
Trematode(flukes or schistosomes)(血吸蟲[]
- praziquantel(PZQ)
- praziquantel(PZQ)
- niclosamide—(-)→mitochondrion的氧化功能
- pelletierine石榴鹼(l): from Punicaceae Punica granatum
- arecoline檳榔鹼:因其所具有的cholinergic direct agonist activity 使得蟲體肌肉因為收縮而麻痹因而被排出體外
- 驅蟲:檳榔種子(Arecae Semen)-生物鹼 (Alkaloids)
drugs for parasites of cells(some antibacterials and antiviral agents)[]
antihelmintic drugs(抗蠕蟲藥[]
- 海人酸(Kainic Acid)
- 山道年(Santonin)
- 二乙烯二胺(Piperazine)
- 海人草(Digenea)
- 使君子(Combretaceae)
- 石榴皮(Granatum)
drugs to nematodes(抗線蟲藥、抗圓蟲藥(Aschelminth)(nematocles)(roundworms)[]
Intestinal nematodes(腸內線蟲[]
- benzimidazoles:廣效抗寄生蟲藥,可以同時對付多種Intestinal nematodes(腸內線蟲
- mebendazole
- tiabendazole
- albenadazole
- niridazole
drugs to platyhelminth(抗扁蟲門藥(flatworms):antihelmintic drugs(抗蠕蟲藥中的praziquantel(PZQ)是窄效,只對platyhelminth(扁蟲門有效[]
- 驅蟲:檳榔種子(Arecae Semen)-生物鹼 (Alkaloids)
drugs for parasites of cells(antiviral agents)[]
- Chemotherapy(化學療法
- parasite OP


extraterrestrial parasite will make you a Venom.